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The Lessons of Star Wars: From The 8 Year Old Me


Just ask anyone and they will tell you. I am a huge Star Wars fan. My wife has spent months with me endlessly subjecting her to every new trailer or bit of news about the new film. I even did a fun little build up in my morning emails to staff leading up to the movies opening two weeks ago before winter break. Me being a fan of the movie is known far and wide – even among the students at my school as they made Thursday the 17th Star Wars day at Kipling and colored character masks and paraded around the school.

Star Wars has a great appeal to many – particularly people around my age that grew up on the original trilogy. However, I see many new Star Wars fans among the students at my school. Every day I see numerous Star Wars shirts and backpacks through our halls.

There are many people that wonder what is so special about Star Wars? I have been asked that question several times and while I can only answer for myself I believe there may be some similarities with others. For me the appeal and nostalgia is not only for the cool ships and characters, but mainly for the lessons that I saw being played out in the story. Although, I have had many influences that have shaped me into who I am today I do think that Star Wars is one of the things. We know that one of the major ways kids make sense of their world and who they are is through their imagination. And even though Star Wars takes place in a galaxy far far away there are unmistakable human lessons in the story. And now after seeing the new film twice here are some thoughts on what I learned from Star Wars as a child.

Kipling Students and Myself on Star Wars Day

Luke: “How am I to know the good side from the bad?”
Yoda: “You will know, when you are calm. At peace, passive.”
-Luke Skywalker and Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back


In Star Wars the force has both light sides and dark sides. It is our choice which side we are on. There is a struggle in people between the light and the dark but they are clear and distinct sides. This was very formative to me as a child to watch these characters engaged in this battle. What leads to the dark side – anger, fear, aggression – easy emotions to come by. Remaining at peace and calm – keeping your wits about you – that is the hard part and the path of the Jedi.

Lesson for 8 year old me: Stay calm, at peace, and passive in all situations. Seek understanding not conflict. Problems are best solved in a calm manner. When we slow down and listen to all sides of the story we can approach the situation differently. Help others make peace.

Luke: “Never. I’ll never turn to the Dark Side. You’ve failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.”
The Emperor: “So be it… Jedi!”
-Luke Skywalker and The Emperor, Return of the Jedi


In the end of Return of The Jedi when Luke has finished the battle with Darth Vader the Emperor asks him to join the dark side but Luke refuses. I can mentally recall Luke’s face as he said the line above and threw his lightsaber to the ground. Despite the outcome that was in store for him he was determined to do the right thing and was not turning back.

Lesson for 8 year old me: Do the right thing even when it is hard. Honesty and integrity matter. Own up to success as well as failures. Be a person of good character at all times not just when you will be rewarded or people are looking.

“Well, the force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.”
– Obi Wan Kenobi, A New Hope


There is nothing in the Star Wars universe that has captured the imagination of fans like the force. Even those few people that have never seen a Star Wars film could probably tell you what the force is. I remember fondly how it was always explained in the original films as the force that binds everything together and is within everyone. Watching Luke realize his potential through the force was a great journey to behold. Also watching characters such as Han Solo develop from scoundrels into good people was a great parallel to the journey that Luke was on. By harnessing this power that moves through all of us great things can be achieved. However, Luke had great teachers in Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda – they were patient and allowed Luke to discover things on his own as he pondered the answers to questions.

Lesson for 8 year old me: There is greatness in everyone. Great teachers help people realize it. And remember “size matters not”. Watching Yoda lift that X-Wing out of the bog was a lesson in not judging people by appearances.

Yavin Base: “Luke, you switched off your targeting computer. What’s wrong?”
Luke: “Nothing. I’m all right.”
-Luke Skywalker and Yavin Base, A New Hope


I remember watching the final assault on the death star in A New Hope. X-Wing after X-Wing attempted to fire the torpedos into the hole that would lead to the destruction of the death star and failed. However, when it was Luke’s turn to line up his shot he heard the voice of Obi-Wan calling to him “use the force Luke.” Luke then turns off his computer and uses the force and his feelings to judge and time the shot just right. In the real world we may call this instinct. In recent years research is beginning to uncover a surprising validity to the feeling of instinct. This feeling comes from parts of our brain that does not have the capacity for language. It is our gut feeling and no less valuable than anything else.

Lesson for 8 year old me: Trust your instincts. It is not silly or crazy to follow your heart – it is essential.

“A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away… to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph! Adventure. Heh! Excitement. Heh! A Jedi craves not these things.”
-Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back


Of all the lessons in Star Wars this may be one of the most common ones that I have reminded myself of through the years. What a great reminder to focus on what the task at hand is and be the best at whatever it is that we are doing. Do not get lost looking away – understand that the next steps on your journey are only realized by your commitment to excellence in what you are currently doing and in the place you currently are at. Have a deep commitment and a serious mind about everything you are involved in – work, friends, family, etc.

Lesson for 8 year old me:Focus on what you are supposed to be doing. Be the best you can be at whatever that is. Attend to the details and never take your situation for granted.

Luke: “No. You’re coming with me. I’ll not leave you here, I’ve got to save you.
Anakin: “You already… have, Luke. You were right. You were right about me.”
-Luke Skywalker and Anakin Skywalker, Return of The Jedi


It is hard to imagine a worse father than Darth Vader. He pursues you across the galaxy, maimes you in a fight, and tries to turn you over to the most evil man in the galaxy. In light of all of that Luke still wants to see the good in him. Even though it is hard and almost costs Luke his life he never gives up on his father and in the end it turns out that he is right. We all have have times we are not perfect or make mistakes. We need to continue to see the good in the people in our lives and help them realize it. In addition, there are times we need people to do that for us.

Lesson for 8 year old me: Don’t give up on people. And be thankful for people that will not give up on you.

All of us have things that are formative and impactful on our lives. For many people of my generation it was Star Wars and how lucky we are. It is exciting to be able to pass these lessons on to a new generation.

My daughter and I getting ready for the next chapter.

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