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Month: January 2015

The Leader in Me


You may recall at the beginning of the year we surveyed parents and staff in order to learn more about our school culture. Just to refresh your memory part of this survey was about what we want for our students at Kipling. What should be priorities for their learning? What skills will they need in the future? What changes are need to support our students? Through survey results, conversations with parents and staff what has become evident is that we want them to be academically and social-emotionally strong: equipped with relevant life skills that will help them succeed in the future. So this is where we begin.

The Kipling staff has been exploring an exciting new possibility for our school over the last few months. It is called The Leader in Me and in short it is a school transformation model that guides the way a school thinks and operates. Our staff has explored the Leader in Me thoroughly through a whole staff book study, two visits to a Leader in Me school, and a presentation from a Leader in Me representative here at Kipling.

After our study of The Leader in Me, I sent a survey to all staff before winter break asking them whether or not they thought we should pursue The Leader in Me for Kipling. The support was nothing short of overwhelmingly positive that this is something that would be great for our students and school. In fact, 100% percent of our staff said that they are committed to the success of The Leader in Me at Kipling Elementary. Therefore, we will be making plans for Kipling to become a Leader in Me school in the very near future.

What is The Leader in Me
The Leader in Me acts like a foundation or operating system for a school. It improves all other areas – academics, social-emotional, culture, life skills. It is based on Stephen Covey’s best selling 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The Leader in Me brings together what are often thought of as independent facets of the school – academics, school culture, and life skills. Instruction in these life skills or habits is infused through all classes and all parts of the school. It simply becomes the way we talk, act, and conduct the business of our school.

How did it Begin
The Leader in Me began in 1999 at A.B. Combs Elementary, a magnet school in Raleigh North Carolina. The Principal, Muriel Summers, was given the task of reinventing the theme of the school or face being shut down. She surveyed parents, community, and businesses for what they wanted in their schools. What they came up with are critical 21st century skills that we want all students to have.

Initiative and Self Direction
Cross-Cultural Skills
Problem Solving

Under Muriel Summers AB Combs adopted a theme of leadership and developed a new mission statement “To Develop Leaders One Child at a Time”. They integrated the 7 habits into the curriculum, traditions, systems, and culture of the school. AB Combs Elementary went from a school facing being shut down to being named the #1 magnet school in America. The process started at AB Combs is now in place in more than 2000 schools across the globe.

The 7 Habits for Students
At first it may seem odd to think about 5, 6, and 7 year olds learning about the 7 habits. Truthfully they are just great life skills applicable to any age. Below the 7 habits have been put into kid language and I think you will see how beneficial they could to any student of an age.

Habit 1

Habit 2

Habit 3

Habit 4

Habit 5

Habit 6

Habit 7

John Maxwell says that “Everyone is a leader, because everyone influences someone.” I couldn’t agree more. Schools are about more than fixing what is wrong with students. Schools are about celebrating what is right. Our job is to bring out the greatness in each and everyone of our students.

I encourage you to explore more about The Leader in Me for yourself. There is an excellent book about the program available at most all bookstores and online. Here is the link to it on amazon. The Leader in Me Book


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